Women’s Equality Day | Hear From Our Agents

We are proud to celebrate Women's Equality Day by highlighting the triumphs and challenges of women in real estate. Hear from some of our incredible agents about advice they would give to young women starting out in their careers, some of the biggest challenges they have faced in their field, how they attribute their success, and more. Special thanks to our agents for sharing!


What challenges have you faced as a woman in your career?

“It’s so easy to be overlooked in industries when you are a woman, especially a male-dominated industry. Because of that thought, you’re a woman so you’re soft and timid. Those challenges have definitely taught me to be more firm and to let it be known that I do know what I’m doing.” – Thamar Jones, @thamar.j_therealtor

How do you attribute your success?

“I work really hard at wanting to do my best and I’m realizing that I can have it all, just not all at the exact same time, and to be patient with myself and my goals, and if we keep putting hard work in, hard work will get paid off.” – Kate Fanselow, @kate.fanselow

“For the last decade, I have been in pursuit of significance over success. I believe when you have a servant mentality and spirit and you help others reach their next level, and their dreams manifest, then success and accolades in your next level will find its way to you naturally.” - Melinda Jordan, @mjthecloser

What does Women’s Equality Day mean to you?

“This is the day that we celebrate being a woman - that we are capable of standing next to a man and doing everything they can, and maybe even more.” – Xun Delsesto, @xundelsesto

What would you say to other women looking to start their careers in real estate?

“You’re going to start from the bottom and it’s going to take some time to get to where you want to be, so have some patience. Just network a ton, and it doesn’t matter what age you are, you can make it happen.” – Jen Ublasi @jen_ublasi

“Instead of competing, collaborate. Happy Women’s Equality Day!” – Izabela Dianovsky, @beladianovsky


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