Wine Guide | Best Food + Glass Pairings for Your Favorite Wine

Drinking wine is an experience to be savored - whether it’s a full-bodied red wine or a light sparkling wine. Taking the time to choose the best wine glass improves the taste, aroma, and your overall experience. Additionally, pairing your favorite wine with complimentary flavors enhances your experience even more. Which wine glass shape should you choose? Which types of cuisine pair well with different wine types? Read on to learn how to best appreciate your wine of choice.

White Wine


Produced from the non-colored pulp of grapes, white wines are generally light and can be anywhere from yellow-gold to yellow-green. Typically, white wines are best served in smaller bowled glasses which preserve floral aromas, maintain a cooler temperature, and express the natural acidity. The shape of the glass also allows for more aroma due to the proximity to your nose. A great choice for many white wines is a tulip-shaped glass with a mid-long stem and narrow bowl that tapers in slightly.

As a general rule of thumb: the darker and heavier the wine, the bigger the bowl. Full-bodied white wines such as orange wines are great candidates for a larger bowl.


Food Pairings

White wines generally go well with light cuisine such as:

  • poultry

  • cheeses

  • fish

  • salads

  • pasta

  • light seafood

Read on for some delicious recipe pairings to try with a glass of white wine:

Easy Zucchini Salad Recipe by

Seared Lemon Garlic Salmon by

Linguine With Clams by


Red Wine


Produced from darker colored grape varieties, red wine can range from brick red to violet. Because of its full-bodied nature, red wine is typically served in glasses with large bowls. Bigger wine glasses have a larger surface area and allow the wine to aerate naturally, opening up the flavors and exposing its full aroma.


Food Pairings

Red wines generally go well with hearty flavors such as:

  • cheese

  • roast beef

  • chocolate

  • mushrooms

  • pork

  • pizza

Read on for some delicious recipe pairings to try with a glass of red wine:

Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Strawberry–Merlot Sauce by (photo credit: Victor Protasio)

Manicotti by

Red Wine Beef Stew with Cheesy Potatoes by (photo credit: Brie Passano)


Universal Glasses & Accessories

For ease and convenience, add a universal wine glass to your collection. Universal wine glasses are designed specifically to work well with any type of wine, from red wine to champagne.

Another way to upgrade your wine experience is with accessories such as wine racks, corkscrews, decanters, and aerators.



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