Test Your Illinois Wildlife Knowledge | National Wildlife Week

National Wildlife Week was established in 1938 for the purpose of honoring the wildlife and natural habitats all around us, and to promote causes and organizations that work tirelessly to help conserve and restore our nation’s wildlife. This week we encourage you to get in touch with local groups and organizations to do your part in keeping Illinois nature safe, whether that be through donating to a worthy conservation cause, volunteering for a cleanup project or other community effort, or educating yourself more on the importance of protecting our local wildlife.

To get you and your family in the National Wildlife Week spirit, we have created a fun trivia quiz to help you learn some fascinating facts about the animals and plant life that are native to our beautiful state. Read on to test your nature knowledge!

What is the official state animal of Illinois?

How many species of birds live in Illinois year-round, or come to the state to breed?

What is the state flower of Illinois?

This endangered North American bird possesses an orange bill with a black tip, a black crown stripe, and black neck band, and hides in plain sight among the soft sandy shores of the Great Lakes. What is its name?

One of the most common Illinois animals is the bobcat. How fast can this feline run when it is on the hunt?

The painted turtle, the Illinois state reptile, lives a life of leisure. How many hours a day do these relaxing reptiles spend basking in the sun?

Illinois was originally coined “The Prairie State” for a reason. In 1820, how many acres of prairie land existed within the state?


We hope this quiz was as informative as it was fun! For more info on how to make a positive change for our environment during National Wildlife Week, visit the official website below.


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