Spark Joy | Marie Kondo-Inspired Spaces

There is nothing that inspires a peaceful, balanced home more than a well-organized space. Marie Kondo, world-renowned organizing consultant, believes organizing to have a special emotional element: that tidying up your home can give you a greater appreciation for your belongings, as well as clear your mind of unwanted stress. 

Today we examine a series of spaces that, according to Marie Kondo's famous motto, spark joy; homes with a perfect balance of form and function, that utilize clever storage techniques or find aesthetically-pleasing ways to display household items, and that leave the house's residents with plenty of room to breathe. View the full collection at the link below and be sure to follow us on Pinterest for more trends!



The KonMari Method teaches that instead of organizing your belongings by location in the home, organize by categories such as books, clothing, and sentimental items. This method ensures that you do not have needless duplicates of the same items, and that you do not fall into a spiral of re-tidying as you move throughout the house.


Looking for more minimalist and organized spaces? Check out the full Pinterest board below.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16


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