Oasis In The Sky | The Luxury Condos of Chicago
Gazing down amongst the clouds, it’s difficult not to be overcome by a palpable sense of intensity and confidence. And that’s exactly what it feels like to live inside these soaring luxury Chicago condos. As though you’re part of something bigger. Massive windows, impossible terraces, and unbelievable views are the common factors that make these properties stand above the rest, both literally and figuratively.
Take a minute to view our collection of lofty luxury properties here and keep in mind that each property is available to tour.
403 N Wabash Ave Unit PHC, Chicago, IL 60611
Ryan Preuett
401 N Wabash Ave Unit 34A, Chicago, IL 60611
Kelly Angelopoulos
1211 South Prairie Avenue #4506
Kelsey Mayher
333 W Hubbard St Unit 806, Chicago, IL 60654
Ryan Preuett
100 E Walton Street, Unit 31BC Chicago, Illinois 60611
Chloé Ifergan
1325 N State Pkwy Unit 11E, Chicago, IL 60610
Chris Fixler
500 W Superior Street, #2704
Chicago, Illinois 60654
Linda Levin
990 N Lake Shore Drive, #29DE
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Stacey Grossman & Jamie Ficco
100 E Huron Street #3605
Chicago, IL 60611
Linda Levin
1410 N State Parkway, #21A Chicago, Illinois 60610
Katie LeGrand
111 East Chestnut Street, #40K Chicago 60611
Alexandra Haralambakis
159 E Walton Street, #33A
Chicago, IL 60611
Julie Harron
6 N Michigan Ave, #702
Chicago, IL 60602
Regina Cartright
2846 W North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647
Claudia Langman
33 E Bellevue Place, #PH-W7 Chicago, IL
Julie Harron