National Women’s Equality Day | Advice From Real Estate Professionals
National Women's Equality Day celebrates the incredible strides that women have made and the challenges that women still face. To honor this day, we asked some of our agents and staff to share their experiences and advice!
Scroll through their thoughtful insights for an uplifting look at how women can support each other in the real estate industry, in business and all aspects of life. In the words of Madeline Albright: "It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent."
Can you share some inspiration or advice
that you received from a strong woman
in the real estate industry?
“My grandmother, a successful real estate owner, told me it all starts with a home! It is literally and figuratively the foundation for everything. It is the greatest gift that we can be a part of.”
“Know your niche market. You don’t have to be an expert everywhere. Pick one market to truly master.”
“I started my real estate career in commercial real estate, which is a male dominated industry. I was given no special treatment being a woman in the industry. One female broker once told me, just be as good as you can be, and learn as much you can to be the best you can be. It doesn’t matter whether you are a woman or a man, just as long as you are good at what you do.”
“I had an agent who mentored me. She told me, you love people, you love houses and interior design. Share your talents with others and you will be a great realtor.”
“Very early on I was told, grow a thick skin, especially in the real estate industry. I took that advice and it continues to serve me daily!”
Chief Marketing Officer
What advice or inspiration would you give
to uplift other women in the real estate industry?
“Be authentic, be kind, be strong. This is a cooperative business that runs best when all the parties are operating at this level.”
“Always put your clients first. Every. Single. Time. The amount of respect you will gain in the business will be contagious. Success will follow.”
“The most important part of being who we are is believing in ourselves that we are who we desire to become.”