Design Tips | How Paring Down Can Perk Up A Space

The typical picture of a luxury home has long been associated with maximalism— the most lavish furnishings, the most detailed wallpapers, and every available space occupied by an art piece or other object. With the rise of minimalism in the 1960’s, however, the slogan of modern interior design changed: “Less is more.” Soon the look of influential and elevated interiors became streamlined as designers eliminated unnecessary furniture and decor, invented boldly simplistic light fixtures, and utilized solid colors over patterns. These modern minimalist spaces are now seen as the height of luxury, filled with light and artful balance. 

If your home is beginning to feel dated, small, or cluttered, paring down your furnishings may just be the solution for achieving this balanced, modern look. The trick, however, is not simply decimating your collection of decor— rather, it is taking stock of your home’s furnishings and choosing to keep pieces that will help reinvent and rebalance your space.  


Eliminate What Hinders 

The first trick to paring down your space is simple: eliminate what hinders you. This can be taken literally by identifying areas of the home where your daily functions are inhibited, whether it be a furniture piece that continuously gets in the way or a tabletop item that blocks valuable space, identifying and removing these pain points can drastically improve the flow and feel of your home. Taken figuratively, this can also mean analyzing your home’s look and feel and identifying emotional pain points: are there pieces that bother you, feel out of place, or no longer spark joy? Feel free to eliminate them.  


Find Your Balance 

What minimalism lacks in design principles such as color and detail, it makes up for with visual balance and contrast. To have a balanced home, each piece must compliment and elevate the other, and these objects must be in harmony as a collective whole. Think about tones, materials, shape, and size when selecting pieces to keep, and consider replacing items that fit functionally but don’t match aesthetically. Pair down your home’s furnishings until each piece feels equally valuable and equally vital to the space. 


Utilize Negative Space 

The true art of a simple and balanced interior is the art of negative space. While many homeowners fear the empty spaces in their home, the true secret to achieving an elevated interior is juxtaposing your furnishings with the space around them. Find ways to let each room in your home breathe, and let your home’s natural architecture take center stage when it needs to. By achieving this, your home will feel lighter, more open, and more calming.  


Looking for a new space to achieve your minimalism goals in 2022? Check out more luxury properties for sale at the link below.


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